EVERYONE WILL BE VERY INTERESTED IN THE FOLLOWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Recently, Grace Cartwright, Ben Warner and Tim Bradshaw did a dredging demonstration for several state angencies including the VMRC, VADIGF, VADMM as well as the USACE to show them how dredging is done for recreational prospecting (using an up to 4 inch dredge). The appropriate personnel among the agencies are now drawing up areas where and when dredging will be allowed (depending on spawning, endangered species locations and National treasure sites). When this is all done, the current plan is to be "permitted" as a club to do recreational dredging using proper procedures with the persons that will be dredging listed as being educated in the state guidelines. PLEASE remember that this is STILL a work in progress. It is NOT a DONE DEAL!!! WHEN WE are permitted we will be responsible for policing ourselves. If anyone is caught using IMPROPER procedures, permission can and likely will be withdrawn. SO REMEMBER ONE PERSON DOING WRONG CAN HAVE AN ADVERSE OUTCOME FOR EVERYONE ELSE. To re-emphasize what Grace told us: THE CURRENT PLAN IS FOR THE CLUB TO BE PERMITTED AND THE CLUB MEMBERS WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MONITORING THEMSELVES. IF ONE PERSON IS CAUGHT BREAKING THE STATE GUIDELINES, THE WHOLE GROUP WILL PAY THE CONSEQUENCES BY LOSING THE RIGHT TO DREDGE IN VIRGINIA'S WATERS. One of the requirements from state agencies will be for us as a prospecting club to be responsible for collecting and turning in for proper disposal any mercury we find. There will be more details forthcoming regarding this. ALSO REMEMBER, DO NOT DO ANY DREDGING IN VIRGINIA UNTIL YOU ARE NOTIFIED THAT THE STATE AGENCIES HAVE FORMALLY APPROVED IT AND PROVIDED GRACE WITH THEIR GUIDELINES. NO HIGH BANKING IS ALLOWED IN VIRGINIA NOR WILL IT BE ALLOWED. Anyone having a dredge needs to let either Grace Cartwright or Sandy Stowe know what kind it is. Also anyone wanting to dredge is going to need to have their name on the the list provided VMRC. PLEASE CONTACT ANYONE YOU KNOW WITH A DREDGE ... WHETHER THEY ARE IN THE CLUB OR NOT!!! They will not have to join the club but will have to go through us for "education" and be put on our list before they can dredge. You can contact Grace at gracec@vims.edu or Sandy at bob&sandy@crosslink.net or send it through the regular mail to Bob & Sandy Stowe 1124 Tom Johnston Road Aroda, VA 22709 BE SURE TO PUT THE WORD 'DREDGE' IN THE SUBJECT LINE OF YOUR EMAIL MESSAGE SO IT ISN'T INADVERTENTLY DELETED. We all owe Grace, Ben and Tim a big THANK YOU for all their hard work in doing this on behalf of all of us!!!!!!! A Great Job Well Done.