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Radon Mitigation System Drawings

Since 1986 Infiltec has helped do-it-yourselfers, home builders and
building facility personnel to install effective radon reduction
systems. We have specified and installed thousands of radon
mitigation systems in homes, schools and office buildings.
Call (540) 943-2776 weekdays 7AM-4PM EDT for help.
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AIR LEAKAGE | About Blower Doors | FAQ | Ducts | Fire | Large Buildings | Contractors | Blower Door Catalog |
OTHER INSTRUMENTS | Personal Seismometers | Infrasound Monitors |Micro-Manometers: Single Channel Dual Channel |


(From the EPA Technical Guidance Manual #rd Edition)

Figure 27 A representative method for mounting an exterior fan at the base of an exterior stack.

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AIR LEAKAGE | About Blower Doors | FAQ | Ducts | Fire | Large Buildings | Contractors | Blower Door Catalog |
OTHER INSTRUMENTS | Personal Seismometers | Infrasound Monitors |Micro-Manometers: Single Channel Dual Channel |
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