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Eliminate Moving Wires to Reduce Tension on Balance

This web page describes my attempt to measure Planck's constant to within 0.1% with a
hacked tabletop NIST D.I.Y. LEGO Watt (Kibble) Balance. The Planck constant is of
fundamental importance in quantum mechanics, and in metrology it is the basis for the
definition of the kilogram.

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    I am using the word HACK in the sense of "a clever modification or improvement". My goal was to start with the NIST 2015 LWB design that had a reported error of 1%, and modify it to reduce the error to 0.1%, while preserving the original NIST LEGO design as much as possible, and keeping the costs low and the technology within the range available to any amateur scientist. I will include my performance data, as well as sources and costs for parts, and recommendations for future improvements. Modifications include:

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    Please any suggestions or corrections to this web page.

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    This page copyright © 2020 by , all rights reserved. It was last updated on June 22, 2020.

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