Washington Metro Objectivism Discussion (WMOD) March 1997 Meeting What is Living and What is Dead in the Philosophy of Ayn Rand? A Discussion from _Liberty_'s Editors' Conference The March 20th meeting of WMOD will feature a tape recording of a panel discussion from "Cultivating Liberty," _Liberty_ Magazines' 1996 Editors' Conference. On this tape, Barbara Branden, John Hospers, Lester Hunt, and R. W. Bradford consider the topic "What is Living and What is Dead in the Philosophy of Ayn Rand". Barbara Branden was an associate of Ayn Rand and she is the author of the biographical "Passion of Ayn Rand". John Hospers is a retired philosophy professor who had many philosophical discussions with Rand. Lester Hunt is currently a philosophy professor at the University of Wisconsin, and R. W Bradford is the editor of _Liberty_. These tapes, along with many more from the _Liberty_ conference, are available from Liberty Book Club, P.O. Box 1181, Port Townsend, WA 98368; phone 800/854-6991. _Liberty_ is a libertarian and classical liberal review of thought; culture, and politics, published bimonthly by the Liberty Foundation. Subscriptions are $19.50 for six issues, to the address above. Note that the usual Wednesday meeting date was changed to Thurdsay March 20 because Nathaniel Branden will be speaking in DC on Wednesday March 19. See the WMOD calendar for details. February WMOD Meeting Thanks to David Boaz for his stimulating discussion the ideas of libertarianism that are covered in his two new books "Libertarianism, A Primer" and "The Libertarian Reader". There were over 25 attendees at the meeting, and their questions for David continued until the restaurant closed. Note that you can get David's books from Laissez Fair Books (800/326-0996). When and Where is the WMOD Meeting? Join us on Thursday March 20. You can either join us for dinner at 7 pm and/or for the discussion at 8:15 pm at the Fortune Chinese Restaurant at Baileys Xroads, VA on Route 7 between 7 Corners and Columbia Pike (5900 Leesburg Pike 703/998-8888). You can take METRO to the West Falls Church stop and then take METRO buses 29A or 29B East on Route 7 toward Baileys Xroads. The Fortune is on this route. After the meeting we can give you a ride back to a METRO station. WMOD has arranged for a $15 fixed price dinner (including tax and tip). Or you can order from the menu. Please RSVP to WMOD (703) 820-7696 before noon Thursday 3/20 so that we can tell the restaurant how many tables to set up. DC AREA CALENDAR ======The Learning Annex * 3/19 Nathaniel Branden's is scheduled to give a lecture/"course" at The Learning Annex in downtown DC on Wed., March 19th, 7-9:30 pm. I am assuming that the content will be directed to his new book, "The Art of Living Consciously". The lecture is $39 (1-800-US-ANNEX; Course W330B). =====Smithsonian Institution Resident Associate Program(RAP) * 4/16-5/28: "The Novels of Ayn Rand: The Human Ideal in Action" by Shoshana Milgram, associate prof of English at Virginia Polytechnic Institute, at 6pm for seven Wednesdays. RAP members $88, general admission $136. Cosponsored by the Ayn Rand Institute. Registration: 202/357-3030 ====Institute for Objectivist Studies 1997 Summer Seminar *7/5-13 at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, VA. Contact http://ios.org, ios@ios.org, or phone 914/471-6100. ====Future of Freedom Foundation >>>The Untouchables Lecture Series (6 pm at the National Press Club, 529 14th St NW, Washington DC No reservations required, free admission, 202/662-7500. * 4/17: David Boaz, Executive vice president of the Cato Institute on "Ending, Not Reforming the War on Drugs" >>>The Vienna Coffee Club (6 pm dinner and talk $20, 7:30 talk only $5, at the Sheraton Premier Hotel, Rt 7 and Dulles Tollway, RSVP 703/934-6101. * 3/6: Jeffrey R. Hummel, prof and author of "Emancipating Slaves, Enslaving Free Men: A History of the American Civil War" on "A Libertarian Looks at the Civil War" *5/22: Richard M. Ebeling, prof of econ at Hillsdale College on "The Lost Papers of Ludwig von Mises: Their Discovery and Importance" WMOD Contact Information The WMOD newsletter is $10/yr, email newsletter is free. Contact: Dave Saum WMOD PO Box 8007 Falls Church, VA 22041 Email: DSaum at infiltec.com, Phone: 703/820-7696, FAX: 703/671-9350 Web: http://www.infiltec.com/wmod.htm ----------- "Sapere aude" (dare to know) -------------------