Washington Metro Objectivism Discussion (WMOD) August 20, 1997 Meeting General Discussion The August WMOD meeting will feature general discussion. Potential discussion topics include summer conferences and the July WMOD visit to the Ayn Rand archives at the Library of Congress. Anyone who attended the Institute for Objectivist Studies 1997 Summer Seminar (7/5-13) at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, VA is invited to give a short presentation on talks that they found particularly interesting. When and Where is the WMOD Meeting? Join us on Wednesday August 20. You can either join us for dinner at 7 pm and/or for the discussion at 8:15 pm at the Fortune Chinese Restaurant at Baileys Xroads, VA on Route 7 between 7 Corners and Columbia Pike (5900 Leesburg Pike 703/998-8888). You can take METRO to the West Falls Church stop and then take METRO buses 29A or 29B East on Route 7 toward Baileys Xroads. The Fortune is on this route. After the meeting we can give you a ride back to a METRO station. WMOD has arranged for a $15 fixed price dinner (including tax and tip). Or you can order from the menu. Please RSVP to WMOD (703) 820-7696 before noon Wednesday 8/20 so that we can tell the restaurant how many tables to set up. Time Magazine Poll Time Magazine is conducting an Internet poll to determine the "100 Most Influential Person(s)" of the 20th Century. These 100 individuals, selected by Internet voters, will be featured in a series of articles to be printed in TIME beginning in 1998. So if you have internet access, log onto the Time web page http://www.time.com select the "100 Most Influential" page, and vote for Ayn Rand in the category of Artists. Not only will Time publish special issues celebrating the 100 most important people of the 20th century, but CBS News will also be broadcasting an hour-long prime-time special in connection with each issue. DC AREA CALENDAR IOS and Cato Institute *10/4: ATLAS & THE WORLD, 40th Anniversary of Atlas Shrugged, at the Renaissance Washington Hotel in Washington DC. Contact http://www.cato.org, http://ios.org, or phone IOS at 914/471-6100 for more information. Contact http://www.free-market.com to enter a drawing to win a $195 ticket to the event. WMOD Contact Information The WMOD newsletter is $10/yr, email newsletter is free. Contact: Dave Saum WMOD PO Box 8007 Falls Church, VA 22041 Email: DSaum at infiltec.com, Phone: 703/820-7696, FAX: 703/671-9350 Web: http://www.infiltec.com/wmod.htm ----------- "Sapere aude" (dare to know) -------------------