< INFILTEC: Radon Gas Mitigation System Drawings Infiltec logo

Radon Gas Mitigation System Drawings.

Detailed drawings of radon gas mitigation systems from the EPA
Technical Guidance Radon Reduction Techniques for Existing
Detached Houses.
Document EPA/625/R-93/011, October 1993.

WARNING: This information is provided as a service to our potential customers, but Infiltec, Inc. can not be
responsible for its use or misuse. Infiltec Inc. does not provide radon mitigation or testing services.

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These drawings were scanned from the EPA mitigation manual. They may provide some assistance in understanding and designing radon gas mitigation systems. If you print them out, you should set your printer up so that they fill a whole page.

For further radon gas assistance, call Infiltec at (540) 943-2776 weekdays 7 AM to 4 PM ET, or emailL: Infiltec Factory .
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OTHER INSTRUMENTS | Personal Seismometers | Infrasound Monitors |Micro-Manometers: Single Channel Dual Channel |

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